
Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE announce a Partnership to Retrofit Aircraft to Zero Emission Propulsion

Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE announce a Partnership to Retrofit Aircraft to Zero Emission Propulsion

Xcalibur and MONTE will join forces to provide a conversion of Xcalibur’s fleet of aircraft to electric, hybrid or hydrogen versions

Xcalibur Multiphysics is pleased to announce an exclusive partnership with MONTE Aircraft Leasing Limited an alternative asset-based management company focused on the leasing and financing of zero-emission aircraft and the retro-fitting of existing aircraft with electric, hybrid or hydrogen propulsion technologies. Xcalibur and MONTE will join forces to provide a conversion of Xcalibur’s fleet of aircraft to electric, hybrid or hydrogen versions.

The aircraft conversion will consist initially of, amongst other characteristics, the integration of an electric, hybrid or hydrogen propulsion system in the Cessna Grand Caravan 208B aircraft in Xcalibur’s fleet to convert them into low-emission aircraft. In future, other aircraft in Xcalibur’s fleet (Air Tractor AT502 & AT802 and Twin Otter) will be also considered for conversion.

Together, Xcalibur Multiphysics and MONTE will strive to identify the most suitable zero-emission propulsion technology for their operations. Once the technology is approved and certified, the appropriate conversions will take place.

MONTE is a clean technology business focused on retrofitting existing aircraft with zero emission propulsion systems and acquiring and financing new, zero emission aircraft as they are produced and certified for use.

Xcalibur Multiphysics is a world leader in Multiphysics. It owns more than 25 specialised aircraft with 85 geophysical systems and has executed over 1,000 projects globally. Throughout its 100 years of experience, and 13 office locations in all continents, Xcalibur plans to grow its aircraft fleet up to 40 aircraft within 2 years.

Xcalibur has acquired more than 50 million linear kilometers of collected data. The multinational Group continues to execute projects with safety, sustainability, technological innovation, operational excellence, and cost leadership at the center of its core values.Environmental Sustainability is a key component in Xcalibur’s ESG strategy, and this agreement is another great step in its path to become a reference player in the natural resources and energy transition map, while promoting the highest standards of Health, Safety and Environment protection and operates according to the world’s best HSE practices.

We are excited to announce our partnership with Xcalibur Multiphysics and to support the transition of their fleet to a more sustainable future. We believe the mission profile and route network of Xcalibur’s fleet to be well suited to zero emission propulsion technologies, and look forward to working with the entire Xcalibur team on this exciting and necessary transition.

This partnership is another important step in our journey to become one of the world’s first zero-emission aircraft lessors, as we look to finance zero emission solutions for turboprop operators around the world. Timothy Eyre, Investment Director, MONTE Aircraft Leasing Limited. We are delighted to cooperate with MONTE in this necessary journey towards ZERO emissions plan.

Today more than ever we must actively participate in this energy transition process where Xcalibur wants to be a key player from its leadership position in the airborne Multiphysics market. With this partnership cooperation and development agreement with MONTE, Xcalibur shows again its commitment to The Sustainable Development Goals 2030 and beyond.Joaquin Lopez, Strategy & Corporate Development Manager, Xcalibur Multiphysics.

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The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

The Democratic Republic of Congo launch the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks

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Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben

Xcalibur Multiphysics and the Democratic Republic of Congo, under the high patronage of the Head of State, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi, the Minister of Hydrocarbons is launching the call for tenders for hydrocarbon blocks. Blocks will be offered in 5 basins; Cuvette Central, Coastal Basin, Lake Tanganyika, Lake Kivu and the Albertine Graben.

The Bid Round will Launch on 28th July 2022 in Kinshasa and will be promoted at international oil and gas conferences throughout 2022 and 2023. Interested parties are requested to send Expressions of by 31st January 2023.

Only registered, pre-qualified companies will be able to bid. A dedicated web site will be launched on July 28th. The Bid Round is supported by Xcalibur Multiphysics.

To participate to the event or to express interest in the Bid Round please write to:

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Xcalibur Multiphysics completes three MAG/RAD blocks in Colombia


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The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m)

Xcalibur Multiphysics, is pleased to report the final delivery of the results of the contract No. 864/2019 signed between the COLOMBIAN GEOLOGICAL SERVICE “ SGC and Xcalibur Multiphysics Colombia, in order to perform the AEROTRANSPORTED GEOPHYSICAL DATA SURVEY OF MAGNETOMETRY AND GAMMA SPECTROMETRY IN AREAS OF INTEREST OF THE COLOMBIAN TERRITORY: NARIÃ, MACIZO AND QUETAME BLOCK, the Narià block of 16.000 km2, Macizo of 10.116 km2, and the Quetame block of 12.476 km2, located in the Andean region of the Colombian territory.

The survey campaign was carried out between February 2020 and December 2021, where acquired 85.269 linear kilometers of magnetometry and gamma ray spectrometry (SL: 500 m TL: 5.000 m), which were executed following the procedures and standards set by the SGC for calibration, data acquisition, processing and delivery of final products, including among others, Databases, Flight Line Path maps, Digital Terrain Model, Total Magnetic Field Anomaly, First Vertical Derivative, Analytical Signal, Magnetic Pole Reduction, Uranium, Potassium, Thorium concentrations, Gamma Ray Spectrometry Ternary Map, all mounted on a Geographic Information System.

The experience of the work team in areas of high mountain terrain with extreme relief, volcanic peaks and deep valleys allowed providing relevant information for the identification of natural hazards of geological origin, geological mapping, tectonic evolution and investigation of mineral resources, complying with the technical specifications of the Colombian governing and institutional authorities.

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Xcalibur Foundation launches the first Social Sports Academy in Uganda in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation and MTN Uganda

Xcalibur Foundation launches the first Social Sports Academy in Uganda in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation and MTN Uganda

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Xcalibur Foundation brings to Uganda Real Madrid Foundation’s unique and pioneer education in values methodology: For a Real Education: Values and Sport

The aim of this extracurricular programme is to encourage school commitment, empower gender equality, address social inclusion, develop key personal and social values, and promote healthy habits, through sport practice and football training.It is Xcalibur Foundation’s first project in Uganda, and first project worldwide. Together with MTN Uganda, they intend to expand to other areas in 2023-2024.

The project counts on the support and endorsement of the Ministry of Education and Sports of Uganda. Wednesday 29th June 2022 Kampala, Uganda: Xcalibur Foundation, in collaboration with MTN Uganda, has today launched the MTN Naguru Social Sports Academy at Naguru Katali Primary School, in the middle of the Naguru settlement of Kampala.

The project targets an initial group of 160 beneficiaries, 50% girls and 50% boys aged 5-16, in vulnerable situations. The goal of the program is to develop key personal and social values that encourage strong emotional, mental, and physical development of the participants, their families, friends, tutors, and communities.

The project, in collaboration with Real Madrid Foundation as Xcalibur Foundation’s strategic partner in Uganda, will be operated by the local NGO Youth Sport Uganda (YSU). The project has been endorsed by the Ugandan government and materialized through a collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports.

School teachers and community facilitators have been trained under Real Madrid Foundation’s unique and pioneer education in values methodology: for a Real Education: Values and Sport, to run sport and social activities with children and youth.

These activities will enhance the life skills of children and youth, and address issues of wellbeing, child protection, conflict management, gender equality, disability, and inclusion as well as positive child and youth development. As stated by Real Madrid Foundation’s philosophy, these objectives are focused solely on education and social cooperation, differing to those of Real Madrid Football Club.

It is worth highlighting the role of MTN Uganda within this partnership. Since the beginning of this journey, the telecommunications company has shown endless support, reflecting true passion, solidarity, and commitment towards Xcalibur Foundation’s undertaking to impart lifelong education amongst vulnerable children and youth. Their enthusiasm to become active players of this project is critical to its positive outcomes and sustainability over time.

Xcalibur Foundation is grateful to MTN for the institution’s support and that of its employees and executives, in realizing this project, said Javier Lezcano, Executive Director of Xcalibur Foundation.

As part of the 2022-2023 calendar, the project will carry out volunteering programs, internal and external events, and other social responsibility initiatives involving at MTN Uganda employees.

Speaking at the launch in Naguru, MTN Uganda’s CEO, Wim Vanhelleputte said, This is a unique project that fits with the values of our organization. We are privileged to be able to contribute to the social wellbeing and personal development of vulnerable children and youth.

Supporting an educational cause which uses sport as a tool for development is aligned with our values, goals, and objectives, first as an organization and us the people who work for this company. We hope this partnership with Xcalibur Foundation and Real Madrid Foundation is only the beginning of an exciting journey together.

For his part, Javier Lezcano, Executive Director of Xcalibur Foundation, noted the early involvement and commitment of MTN Uganda in this project, highlighting the openness and humanity of the entire team: From the time we set foot at MTN Uganda offices, we felt understood and supported, both my Wim (the Chief Executive Officer) and by the entire team.

We are forever grateful for this partnership and will keep giving our 150% to keep this programme growing.

To find out more about Xcalibur Foundation’s programmes, follow them on: Linkedin: Facebook, YouTube,

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Recently Completed Marine Gravity and Magnetics Project Sets New Record

Marine Gravity and Magnetics Project

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Processed Water Depth (Left) and Processed Gravity Data (Right) Images property of and posted with permission of CGG

The world renowned data acquisition and processing teams at Xcalibur Multiphysics delivered the largest ever recorded shipborne gravity and magnetics project. The survey was acquired in conjunction with the Nebula multi-client program for CGG offshore Brazil. Over 36,700 sqkm of high resolution gravmag data were obtained in the Santos and Campos Basins with industry leading turn around time.

To date, over 100 GeoPDF GIS maps were delivered to multiple stakeholders that licensed numerous areas of interest (AOIs) over several blocks from multiple bid rounds.CGG Multi-Client New Ventures conducted the long-offset BroadSeis survey from June 2019 to January 2022. The survey is comprised of over 1,200 survey lines and 80,000 line kilometers. Along with seismic data, final products from the fully processed gravity, magnetics and bathymetry data are now available to license from CGG.

Examples of where gravity and magnetic methods can assist include: identification of salt diapirstectonics and structural mapping depth-to-basement identification of volcanics determination of sediment thickness delineation of sediment fairwaysmapping of intra-sedimentary anomalies independent geological constraints check for seismic interpretationWe are ready to illustrate how potential fields can add value to your project and enhance your exploration program.

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Xcalibur Foundation and Real Madrid Foundation develop their first joint Social Sports Academy in Uganda

Xcalibur Foundation and Real Madrid Foundation develop their first joint Social Sports Academy in Uganda

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As a result of the agreement signed between Xcalibur Foundation and Real Madrid Foundation, 160 vulnerable girls, boys, and youth from Kampala, aged 5-16, will benefit from education in values, sports practice, and football training.

The agreement was ratified by Enrique Sánchez, Executive Vice President of Real Madrid Foundation, and María José© Toro Sánchez, President of Xcalibur Foundation, in a ceremony attended by Álvaro Arbeloa, Real Madrid’s Ambassador.

The Foundations reach the district of Nakawa, in Kampala, targeting an initial group of 160 children and youth from Naguru Katali Primary School. The school is located in the Naguru slum, a settlement that lacks basic needs such as access to drinking water, shelter, health and education.

The project, in collaboration with the Real Madrid Foundation and MTN Uganda, will be operated by the local NGO Youth Sport Uganda (YSU). Moreover, it counts on the support of the Ugandan government, materialized through the Ministry of Education and Sports, with whom Xcalibur Foundation has signed a MoU.

School teachers and community facilitators will be trained under Real Madrid Foundation’s unique and pioneer education in values methodology: for a Real Education: Values and Sport, to run sport and social activities with children and youth.

These activities will enhance the life skills of children and youth, and address issues of wellbeing, child protection, conflict management, gender equality, disability and inclusion as well as positive child and youth development.

It is worth highlighting the role of MTN Uganda, who has been committed to support this project, not only as the Title sponsor, but also through the institutional and personal involvement of its employees and managers. From the beginning, MTN has shown its passion, solidarity, and dedication, to be a part of this project and participate in all its stages.

María José Toro Sánchez expressed her gratitude and enthusiasm for a project that will encourage school commitment and facilitate access to formal education, and promote key social values such as respect, equality, or health.

I hope that it will be the first of many projects we do together. Soon after, Arbeloa explained: With this social sports academy that combines football values learning with comprehensive educational focus, the beneficiaries themselves will become catalysts for change in their environments, and this projection into the future, forward, is the most important thing: changing lives through sport.

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